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Melissa Sims

Time to Simplify.

Navigating the Information Overload

I have been wracking my brain this week with what to write about for you, and here it is, 7:00pm Thursday night, and I am finally happy with what I want to touch on. I read about 7 articles today and yesterday, trying to find some inspiration. Nothing. It was just rehashed things that I’ve already covered, or just didn’t really apply to your type of work and leadership. Then it kind of hit me: there’s far too much information out there. Maybe it’s time to simplify.

As leaders, you are bombarded with an endless stream of information, methodologies, and best practices. While having access to this wealth of resources is invaluable, it can also become overwhelming, leading to analysis paralysis where making decisions on not only situational things, but also what kind of leader you are, becomes increasingly difficult. This is where the practice of mindful leadership becomes crucial. Mindful leadership is about harnessing the power of awareness, presence, and intentionality in leadership roles, allowing leaders to simplify their approach and lead more effectively by tapping into their intuition and natural abilities.

The digital age has democratized access to information, equipping leaders with tools and knowledge that were previously unimaginable. However, this abundance can also be a double-edged sword. The plethora of leadership theories, models, and strategies available can make it challenging for leaders to decide which path to follow. This overload can lead to second-guessing, constant seeking for better options, and eventually, decision fatigue.

There are a million experts out there, and everyone has a new idea, a new tool, a new method to be a better leader. But perhaps you already have the tools, you just haven’t found your flow to access them. According to Hitendra Wadhwa of the Mentora Institute, “Leadership is not a set of traits to be learned; it is a state that can be attained by establishing a positive intention and then activating five core energies we all possess, via quick actions that take just a few seconds to execute.” Those 5 core energies are:

Purpose Energy: Committed to a Noble Cause

Wisdom Energy: Calm and Receptive to the Truth

Growth Energy: Curious and Open to Learning

Love Energy: Connected with Those You Work with and Serve

Self-Realization Energy: Centered in a Joyful Spirit

The theory is that if you can tap into these inner energies that you already possess, you can execute leadership with ease. These are innate qualities that are already in you, they may just need a little nurturing to express themselves fully. According to Wadhwa, brief actions can activate your flow and put these energies into use. To learn more about these energies and the actions you can try to activate them, visit

Being fully present is a cornerstone of mindful leadership. This means actively listening, being engaged in conversations, and giving full attention to the task at hand. Presence allows leaders to make more informed decisions by clearly understanding the situation without the distraction of outside noise. Understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and triggers is vital. Self-awareness enables leaders to leverage their natural abilities and recognize areas where they need support. It also helps in identifying personal biases and ensuring they don't cloud judgment or decision-making.

Not every decision requires an exhaustive analysis of data or consultation of multiple leadership models. Sometimes, the best approach is the simplest one. Leaders should strive to distill information, focusing on what is most relevant to the decision at hand. This can mean prioritizing key objectives, eliminating unnecessary processes, or simplifying communication.

Trust Your Intuition

You have had so much training and experience, sometimes it’s easy to forget to put all of the tools into action. Leaders often have a well-developed sense of intuition, honed through years of experience. Trusting this intuition can be a powerful tool for making decisions in situations where information is incomplete or too overwhelming. While it's important to back up decisions with data and rational analysis, intuition should not be ignored.

Beyond the learned techniques and methodologies, there's an intrinsic aspect of leadership that often goes unspoken—the natural ability to lead. This innate capability isn't something that can be acquired through textbooks or leadership seminars; it's woven into the fabric of who you are. Great leaders often possess an inherent understanding of people, an instinctive ability to inspire and motivate, and a natural inclination towards making decisions that steer the course toward success. Recognizing and trusting these innate qualities can empower leaders to act more confidently and authentically.

The essence of leadership resides not just in the mind's strategic thinking but also in the heart's intuitive knowing. Some of the most impactful leaders throughout history have leaned heavily on their natural abilities, using their charisma, emotional intelligence, and innate understanding of human behavior to guide their actions. These qualities, though intangible, are palpable to those who follow. When a leader trusts their natural abilities, it resonates, creating an environment where trust is reciprocated and collective goals are more readily achieved. Embracing these inherent traits allows leaders to transcend the limitations of conventional wisdom and navigate the complexities of leadership with a sense of ease and authenticity.

In the age of information overload, trusting yourself, knowing you have many of the answers already in you, offers a refreshing and effective approach to leadership. By focusing on presence, self-awareness, simplicity, intuition, and compassion, leaders can navigate the complexities of their roles with clarity and authenticity. Simplifying leadership does not mean disregarding the wealth of information available; rather, it involves discerning what is truly important and making decisions that are aligned with one's values and the organization's goals. Mindful leadership is not just about doing less; it's about being more—more present, more aware, and more compassionate.

I truly believe that we are all exactly where we are meant to be. Even if we feel like we want something different or if we feel like there’s something more we are supposed to do, where we are is exactly right, for right this very moment. What we glean from it, and how we allow it to shape us, help us grow and learn, is contributing to those core energies. And those core energies, those innate qualities already in you, are more often than not your answers to your challenges.


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